Sedona XPRESSion Evaluator Reference Guide
Supported Functions
The following built-in functions are provided by the XPRESSion Evaluator:
Function | Name | Description |
abs(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
acos(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
acosh(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
arraymax(a) | Returns the maximum value contained in the array a | |
arraymin(a) | Returns the minimum value contained in the array a | |
arraysize(a) | Returns the number of elements contained in the array a | |
asin(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
asinh(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
atan(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
atanh(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
autocorr(a) | AutoCorrelation | (Same as Advanced Analysis VI) |
ceil(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
concat(x,y) | Produces an array containing all the elements of x followed by all the elements of y. If x and/or y are scalars, they are treated as single-element arrays and still produce an array result. | |
convol(a1,a2) | Convolution | (Same as Advanced Analysis VI) |
crosscorr(a1,a2) | CrossCorrelation | (Same as Advanced Analysis VI) |
cos(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
cosh(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
cot(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
csc(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
deconvol(a1,a2) | Deconvolution | (Same as Advanced Analysis VI) |
deriv(a1,s1,s2,s3) | Derivative | (Same as Advanced Analysis VI) a1 is the function on which to calculate the derivative s1 is the initial condition s2 is the final condition s3 is the sampling interval |
erf(s) | (Same as Advanced Analysis VI) | |
erfc(s) | (Same as Advanced Analysis VI) | |
exp(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
expm1(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
fft(a) | Fast Fourier Transform | (Same as Advanced Analysis VI) |
fht(a) | Hartley Transform | (Same as Advanced Analysis VI) |
floor(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
getexp(x) | (Same as LabVIEW Formula Node) | |
getman(x) | (Same as LabVIEW Formula Node) | |
hil(a) | Fast Hilbert Transform | (Same as Advanced Analysis VI) |
int(x) | (Same as LabVIEW Formula Node) | |
integral(a1,s1,s2,s3) | Integral | (Same as Advanced Analysis VI) a1 is the function to integrate s1 is the initial condition s2 is the final condition s3 is the interval |
interpol(a,s) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
intrz(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
invfft(a) | Inverse Fast Fourier Transform | (Same as Advanced Analysis VI) |
invfht(a) | Inverse Hartley Transform | (Same as Advanced Analysis VI) |
invhil(a) | Inverse Hilbert Transform | (Same as Advanced Analysis VI) |
ln(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
lnp1(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
log(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
log2(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
max(x,y) | (Same as LabVIEW Formula Node) | |
mean(a) | (Same as Advanced Analysis VI) | |
median(a) | (Same as Advanced Analysis VI) | |
min(x,y) | (Same as LabVIEW Formula Node) | |
mod(x,y) | (Same as LabVIEW Formula Node) | |
mse(a1,a2) | Mean Square Error | (Same as Advanced Analysis VI) |
rand(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
rem(x,y) | (Same as LabVIEW Formula Node) | |
reverse(a) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
rms(a) | Root Mean Square | (Same as Advanced Analysis VI) |
rotate(a,s) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
sec(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
sign(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
sin(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
sinc(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
sinh(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
sqrt(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
stddev(a) | Standard Deviation | (Same as Advanced Analysis VI) |
subset(a,s1{,s2{,s3}}} | Returns selected elements of the array a starting at s1 with a length of s2. s3 indicates how many elements of a to skip in selecting elements for the output array. If s3 is 1, then each element of a is returned up to a length of s2; if s3 is 2, then every other element of a is returned up to a length of s2, and so on. | |
sum(a) | Calculates the sum of all elements in the array a | |
tan(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
tanh(x) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) | |
thresh(a,s1{,s2}) | (Same as LabVIEW primitive) a is the array containing the values of interest s1 is the threshold value s2 is the start index |
variance(a) | Variance | (Same as Advanced Analysis VI) |